
Visit Bans: Forced Isolation for Prisoners and Their Families

From the report "Military Trials and Counterterrorism Cases: The State’s Tools to Curb Political Violence in Egypt Since 2013"

The right to visits and family communication is one of the most basic rights of detainees. However, in Egyptian prisons, inmates are often deprived of visits for extended periods as a punitive measure, particularly in high-security prisons like Badr 3 Complex.

The report reveals that visit bans are used to completely isolate detainees from the outside world, denying them legal and psychological support. In some cases, authorities impose severe restrictions on visits, such as reducing their duration to mere minutes or conducting them behind glass barriers that prevent direct communication.

This policy violates the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which guarantee every detainee the right to regular contact with their family and lawyer.

The practice of visit deprivation must end, and all detainees must be ensured the right to communicate with their loved ones without arbitrary restrictions. Forced isolation only exacerbates the suffering of prisoners and their families.

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