Humans and Homes Population of Egypt on World Habitat Day 2018

On October 2nd of each year, the United Nations celebrates World Habitat Day, in which presenting the conditions of our countries and their urban and rural gatherings and justice in the distribution of resources within the geographical ranges of the states, and the housing policies of the Governments of countries, and what it has done to provide access to adequate, safe and healthy housing with basic services and needs and proximity to the workplaces of individuals, occur.
The housing process in itself is not an easy one, as it’s the first problems and obstacles facing the governments of the world, and may be a testament to the progress of the state and the success of such government, in that it could be a witness to the failure of its counterpart in another country, or in the same State at different time intervals.
Through the process of rapid urbanization in the countries of the world, we must carefully consider whether this urbanization has negative aspects as well as the positive ones or not?
Urbanization calls that process rapid urban growth, which can be interpreted in its purely quantitative appearance, regardless of whether that process results from natural population growth or internal migration. It is a process of social change carried out by the transfer of people from the countryside or the desert to the city.
The concentration of industrial activities and government facilities in one geographical area, had a negative effect on the distribution of the population in the rest of the geographical range of the State, thus, there was a large inflation in the size of the population of cities based on those activities and interests, due to the internal migration from the rural population to those cities; some of them looking for the city life and society, some were in search of job opportunities available as a result of industrial activity, and others are graduate students where universities are located in cities, along with the natural increase of the population of urban society itself.
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