اصداراتبيانات صحفية
ECRF Lawyer: Court of Administrative Justice obliges the Prisons’ Authority to stop depriving lawyer Ibrahim Metwally from visits in Tora Maximum Security Prison II.

ECRF Lawyer said that the Court of Administrative Justice (First department – Rights and Freedoms) decided in its May, 30 session to accept ECRF’s appeal to cancel a decision to deprive imprisoned lawyer Ibrahim Metwally of visits.
ECRF lawyer added that the Court decided to immediately stop the execution of the decision of the Prisons’ Authority to deprive Ibrahim Metwally from visits (appeal no. 63970 for the judicial year no. 73, filed by ECRF lawyer against the Head of the Prisons’ Authority)
Metwally is a lawyer, and he is held in pre-trial detention in Tora Maximum Security Prison II pending investigations in case no. 1470 for 2019 (state security cases).